On Sunday (stormy Sunday as it will no doubt go down in history..NAAAAT), I went along to the Swap till You Drop event at the Workmans Club on Wellington Quay.
I'm not very familiar with the Quays so i was wandering around until i noticed a few fashionista's and decided to follow them. Once i saw Sonja Lennon for RTE'S Off the Rails i knew i was on the right track.
I was helping out in the 'Tunnel of Luck'! The event organised by the fabulous Síona Ryan was in aid of the Irish Motor Neurone Disease Association. When i arrived it was packed. The crowd of fashionable women were litterly chomping at the bit to get in and swap their clothes.
And swap they did.. please exuse the poor quality of photos, i cudnt fit the fancy camera in my handbag!
I really hope they hold another STYD, it was great craic chatting to everyone and some of the pieces were to die for, Stella McCartney & Vivienne Westwood, John Rocha, Longchamp& McQueen all made an appearence.
Next time i will have a bag of clothes to swap and camera at the ready. I love the idea of swaping you're junk for somebody else's. I didn't come out empty handed either, am now the owner of a vintage royal blue wool pencil skirt, pics to come when i figure out what to wear it with!
That sounded great...just a pity I have a crazy fear of used clothes *sigh*