Keeping with the paper theme, i was at a Stellar Magazine focus group last night.
A group of us were picked from Facebook after they put up a post, was much craic. We arrived to find goody bags, french fancies along with copies of the magazine, and were offered wine straight away, food/wine/free stuff is always the way to my heart.
We talked about the content, cover stars, the blog and online activity, how much 'irish-ness' to put in it, the price (a mere €2), the layout and much more!
if you're wondering why all my samples are covered in glitter, it's because i think i sat on my goody bag and caused a nail varnish bottle to break and leak all over everything, typical.
and for another treat, here's one of the girl's blogs I'm lovin' atm
We saw this on Facebook - unfortunately we weren't able to attend. It sounded like so much fun - great goodies................. lucky you!!
Fifi & Niamh